The representation through these pieces are both shown using the
media of textiles. The pieces I have chosen are Meret Oppenheim,
Object made in 1936 and Louise Bourgeious, Woven Chid made in
Both pieces represent the reusable factors of life. Oppenheims object is
a cup covered in fur, Cups are reusable objects that can be used over
and over again. Likewise to this Bourgeious Woven Child is the female
form which can be used as a container for children representing the
womb, as reusable container of life.
Oppenheims fur cup looks delicate and well crafted with Chinese
gazelle fur. Even though it is thick with fur you can still see the shape
and how well it is put together. The cup may look complex in design
but it was made by covering a cup, saucer and spoon in fur.
However, Bourgeois, Woven Child is a less complicated piece, message
is very visual and obvious. The message Is mostly in the title which
represents the connection between mother and child or connection
with family. The transparent material shows the child at full form
very tightly held in the womb, the body image of the child makes the
message stronger with the connection of family and containing a
human being.
On the other hand Woven child is a light coloured pieces fresh and
clean, these colours may refer to the child being her first and how she
was pure before getting pregnant. But, the womb of the woman is a
dark blue transparent fabric which could mean that she is sad about
becoming a mother or how the child isn’t wanted.
Oppenheim cups meaning is about the fur trade and the element of
un-needed killing to symbolise your wealth. For example a cup doesn’t
need to be covered by the fur but the designer feels the need to catch
the eye of the admirer and make it stand out. The colouring of the
Chinese gazelle fur also has a meaning of higher class with a royal
golden yellow, symbolising the character that would buy or wear the
fur in the community. The spoon in this piece is unusually wide this
could mean the many ways it is used in fashion in daily use. Also
showing it in a new form shows the ridiculous ways it is used when
there is no point or advantage to killing an animal to get fur.
Woven Child refers to family life as a natural bond by using “woven,” in
the title with is a way of weaving natural fabrics together and joining
people together in life. However, not every bond is wanted and even
though it may be natural it can be what you don’t want.
Altogether, both pieces share the idea of unwanted or not needed
natural objects. Fur is a natural object but it doesn’t belong with a cup
and saucer, a baby doesn’t necessarily belong when it isn’t wanted.
Also both pieces represent the reuses of life and creating new objects
out of older or more used versions.
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